Self Funded
Biaya Self Funded (Tanpa Seleksi)
IDR 48.000K
Dengan Rincian :
- Tiket pesawat Jakarta - Istanbul dan Istanbul – Jakarta.
- Bagasi kabin 7 Kg + Bagasi Tambahan 25 Kg.
- Airport tax (Jakarta/ Istanbul/ Singapura/ Malaysia).
- Asuransi kesehatan (Mengcover biaya COVID-19 selama perjalanan).
- Penginapan di Turki.
- Transportasi selama di Turki.
- Konsumsi selama program.
- Seragam program PPA chapter 4 (T-Shirt Program).
- Seminar kit program.
- Merchandise program.
Mengikuti seluruh rangkaian kegiatan program :

Learn about the educational systems by campus visit at Istanbul University which is a leading Turkish university located in Istanbul.

Learn about the Hagia Sophia to get more knowledge from one of the historical buildings in Istanbul with professional guides.

Observation at Topkapi Palace that was the residence of the Ottoman sultans between the 15th and 19th centuries to get more substantial information about social culture in Istanbul.

Learn about The Basilica Cistern, one of Istanbul’s splendid historical buildings located in the southwest of Hagia Sophia.

Learn the histories of religion and it’s architecture in Blue Mosque, the prominent landmark and symbol of Istanbul, Turkey.

Suport and learn the local communities economy by exploring The Grand Bazaar Istanbul, which is one of the largest and oldest covered markets in the world.

Observing at Istanbul Modern Museum to inspire and educate the young generation about modern art, contemporary art, and photography.

Exploration at Istiklal Street which is one of the most popular meeting point and recreational activities center in Istanbul.

International Seminar “How to Improve the Quality of Education in Turkey” at Istanbul.

Learn about the educational systems by campus visit at Hacettepe University that ranks 1st among Turkish universities with health science and medical schools.

Observing one of Turkey’s most notable examples of modern architecture at Atatürk Mausoleum Ankara.

Observing The Presidential Library which is the largest single library investment in the history of Turkish Republic that has integrated book conveyor system.

Observing the area of Goreme Open Air Museum that represents historical unity in Cappadocia.

Explore and learn the local community in Pasabag Valley which is one of the most popular spots in Goreme, Cappadocia with it’s epic fairy chimneys and cave dwellings.

Explore and discover amongst the earth pillars and rock formations at Devrent Valley (also known as Imaginary Valley).

Support and learn the local communities by Observing the Avanos Village where there were upwards of 200 workshops and hundred masters who are registered with the local Chamber of Potters.

Pengalaman saya mengikuti program ini sangat berkesan, karena saya dapat mengunjungi salah satu kampus favorit di Asia yaitu Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Lalu kami mengikuti workshop dengan 3 pembicara yang sangat luar biasa dan menginspirasi saya sebagai mahasiswa Indonesia yang baru masuk ke dunia perkuliahan. Menurut saya program ini sangat pantas untuk diikuti, karena program ini sangat berkesan.

Program ini sangat bagus sekali, karena program ini sangat memberikan antusias kepada semua peserta dan memberikan pengaruh di masa depan.

Saya merupakan salah satu peserta PPA 2 Singapura – Malaysia acara ini seru banget saya bisa bertemu dengan teman – teman yang ada di seluruh Indonesia kita bisa belajar dari mereka juga tidak hanya materi dari panitia. Dan saya senang sekali, saya bisa mendapat informasi baru, insight baru berkat acara ini.

Saya seorang siswa di SMA 2 Wonogiri, saya beruntung menjadi peserta fully funded. Untuk teman – teman yang belum beruntung tetap semangat dan jangan menyerah. Awalnya saya mengira hal ini juga cukup mustahil tapi ternyata I CAN DO THIS dan saya bisa sampai di Singapore bahkan sampai bisa mengunjungi Nanyang Technological University (NTU) salah satu kampus terbaik di Asia.